
Oldham Coupler

Just finished "Oldham coupler" on solidworks. I design it to practice but i hope it will help somebody. Feel free to download my work. Oldham coupler.rar file includes solidworks part and assemly files.

Some info about Oldham coupler:

This mechanism is used for transfering torque between two parallel but not collinear shafts. Mechanism has three discs that one coupled to input, one coupled to the output and betweem them a middle disc joined to the two by tongue and groove.


Download section where you can find helpful material and designs is added.

Sewing Machine Needle Mechanism

This is one of my friend's project designed by myself. As you can see it is a simply working model without 
any calculations.
First of all, given dimensions are too big because it will be modelled to see if it could work or not. It was built by a mechanic not like this but it worked perfectly that I am greatful.
I worked this project on SolidWorks. If you are similar to the program, you could recognise it. I will add the .rar archive including part files, assembly part, basic tecnical drawing .pdf files, etc. as soon as possible.
Stay on tuned! :)

The First Message

Hi Everybody!
I am blogging to help people like me "engineering students" about their projects and designs. I have this on my mind since my first year at univercity. I couldn't do anything because of some reasons like I don't have enough skill and courage or I thought so. I hope my designs would be helpful for you.